Wednesday, 17 December 2008

character animation showreel and jobs

Well, at least this is a start. Although that I should've been writing this blog from last year - since I made onto the LAS animation course.

After a nice long summer holiday and 1 freelance job, plus 2 months reworking on my old stuff, the 2nd version of my character animation showreel is finally ready - this time with the aid from After Effects allowing much better video quality. I've uploaded the video both onto youtube and vimeo as online portfoilo plus making 20 hardcopies of DVD, hopefully there will be one job that will take me in!

Ziyao Zhou Showreel 2008 from ziyao zhou on Vimeo.


David Beer said...

Hey Dude, how are you? thanks for stopping by my blog. Wow, when did you do all this 2d stuff? drop me an email, Katrin has my address.

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

first congrats for the Las course, its like being born again,
like david said, your 2d stuff is great.
the first character dancing is quite funny as well , i like it..
keep working and saending emails, calling people that you will find a job,,,,good luck

Daniel M.C. Alvite said...

Hi Ziyao.
Ys Idid the LAS with David.
we are all together now.
good luck for you.